Caution - Work in progress! July 10th, 2023 Welcome to Il Lupo the blog. I'm Gregory Alexander Sharp, I'm the author of Il Lupo, and this is my blog. Here, you'll be able to find updates on my latest writing and podcasting projects, and a whole other bunch of stuff you might be interested to read about. This is a work in progress, please hang tight while I get to grips with how to make all the things work properly, and start to produce content of the quality you have a right to expect. That's me in that photo there, even on the full moon, I look quite a lot like that... although probably only on a relatively good day! This is the cover of Il Lupo , which is something I'm very proud of. That story has been a companion of mine for many years, and it's now a reality, and yours to own and interpret in the image of your own imagining. I will share insights about the creative process in this blog, I'll share the inner secrets that led to the creation of my c...