Author Interviews
I've been very fortunate to have been interviewed many times already in my fledgling literary career. I've been interviewed for articles on blog sites, web sites and literary publications, as well as on podcasts and vodcast shows. As I'm involved in more of these over the passage of time, I'll add them here and you will be able to jump out to them via the links, or jump right in via embedded players where I'm able to bring that to you.
Cocktails With Cav Episode 12
January 2024
I had an absolute blast on Cocktails With Cav. Host, George Cavanagh is such a great guy, and a good friend of mine since joining the literary community. His show goes out weekly on multiple platforms including audio only for podcasts, but also as a vodcast on a number of platforms including YouTube, as above. You can jump to his show's YouTube Homepage by clicking HERE.
Between Authors Podcast Episode 3
August 2023
Adrian Lopez is a fellow author whose works include Lycaon Bloodlines, which is a hard hitting werewolf novel. Adrian is one of the most generous people with his time, and he's incredibly supportive of our literary community, particularly on X and TikTok. Additionally, Adria hosts a weekly podcast interviewing creative types, and you can watch my interview on that show above, or pick up Adrian's channel HERE.
Werewolf The Podcast: Extra Episode
January 2024
I was honoured to be the first author invited for interview by Fenrir Thorvaldsen in a series of bonus episodes on Werewolf The Podcast. In this episode, I did a reading from IL LUPO at the beginning, so if you want to hear that then click on the player above. You can also check out my page on this site by clicking HERE.
Additionally, you can hit the show's homepage on Spotify by clicking HERE:
Episode blurb is below:
"Werewolf the Podcast Introduces Il Lupo, Gregory Alexander Sharp's extraordinary first Werewolf Novel
In this extra episode we start a new series where monthly we speak to some of the best authors in our niche Genre. This week we get an introduction to Il Lupo Gregory Sharp's first hairy beast novel. Although, I have to say it is so much more than that on multiple levels. Enjoy."
Knowing More About Novel Writers - Interview With Gregory Alexander Sharp
Maria Florinda Loreto Yoris
January 2024
Maria Florinda Loreto Yoris is a renowned author and blogger. In January 2024, Maria contacted me regarding her new series of author interviews, which has the unique characteristic of being published both in English and in Spanish. Maria, who is located in Venezuela, too my answers to her questions and translated them for her massive Spanish speaking audience. You can check the interview out on Maria's WordPress site below:
Author Spotlight - Olympia Publishers
May 2023
IL LUPO was published with Olympia Publishers, who offer a superb publishing service. In May 2023, they chose to promote me in their Author Spotlight series, which was a real honour. I must say, they posed some interesting and quite unique questions, you can check it out by clicking on their logo below. I should mention while I'm here, if you purchase a copy of IL LUPO via the Olympia website, the physical product is of an exceptional quality!
Dani Daley Author - Blog Interview
May 2023
Dani Daley is author of The Book Of Prophecies, and a notable blogger. In May 2023, she invited me to participate in her series of author interviews on her WordPress site, which was an opportunity I grabbed with both hands. Some very interest8ing lines of questioning here, and I've been as open and honest in my responses as you've come to expect from me.
You can check it out by hitting the WordPress logo below:
Bookshelf Café News - Author Interview
January 2023
This was my very first author interview, and it went live just before the publication date of IL LUPO in 2023. The super-supportive folks of Bookshelf Café News made me feel really welcomed into the literary community, and I am very grateful to them for giving me my first platform in this arena. You can check that first interview out by hitting the logo below:
Readers Magnet
April 2023
Il Lupo – A Supernatural Thriller by Gregory Alexander Sharp
I was invited to write an article on the Readers Magnet website in April 2023 about my journey as a new author. Il Lupo was only three months old at the time, and I was just beginning to build a presence in cyber-space, and this was so helpful for me at that time.
Click the logo below to load the article, but watch out, there's a heart-melting photo of my beautiful dog, Branston, with a copy of IL LUPO!
Time To Feed My Reads - Author Interview
February 2023
The second author interview I ever did, and I'm very grateful to the team at Feed My Reads for that opportunity. Feed My Reads does a great job supporting authors via their Blog site and Facebook group. Thanks guys!
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